Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        sixty  5G commercial contracts, including   the Middle East and abroad. Globally, more   with  a  total  of 240  million units shipped.
        11  in  the Middle East,  shipping over   than 700 cities and 228 Fortune Global 500   The latest ranking comes at a time when
        400,000 5G base stations globallyOutside   companies  have chosen  Huawei as  their   Huawei leadership estimates that its global
        of the 5G arena, Huawei’s enterprise   digital transformation partner. A focus on   sales  revenue  will  have topped  USD122
        business  has  also  benefited  from  R&D   innovation has also kept Huawei’s popular   billion in 2019, an increase of roughly 18%
        advancements  to  lay  the foundation for   smartphone  range as  a  preferred global   year-on-year.
        the digital transformation of industries in   brand, achieving robust growth  in  2019

        Huawei  Wi-Fi  6  Ranked  Number  One  Globally  Outside  of  North  America
        According to Dell’Oro Group

        Huawei Wi-Fi 6 has been ranked Number   organizations. According to the report, the   Data  Communication Product  Line, said:
        One in the global market (excluding North   overall revenue of the global Wi-Fi 6 market   “We are  very  pleased  to see that  Huawei
        America),  according  to a  report  on the   grew explosively in the first three quarters   AirEngine  Wi-Fi  6  has been  widely used
        global Wi-Fi 6 indoor AP market share from   of 2019, growing to 30 times that of 2018.   across sectors like education, government,
        2018 Q3 to 2019 Q3 by Dell’Oro Group, a   In  the same  period,  the revenues  of  the   large enterprises, and manufacturing.
        leading  independent  market analysis  and   Wi-Fi  4  and Wi-Fi  5  markets  decreased   Huawei AirEngine Wi-Fi 6 is helping more
        research  firm.  In  October  2018,  the  Wi-Fi   slightly.  This market  performance also   enterprises  of  all  sizes  to  build user
        Alliance  officially  announced  an  all-new   signifies that 2019 was the first year that   experience-centric networks for increased
        Wi-Fi naming system for Wi-Fi generations,   Wi-Fi  6  was  in  commercial  use.  Huawei   office  and  production  efficiencies,  paving
        with  Wi-Fi  6  as  the  simplified  name  for   is a leader in the Wi-Fi 6 market. With its   the way  for the large-scale rollout of
        IEEE 802.11ax. Wi-Fi 6 improves on Wi-Fi   AirEngine Wi-Fi 6, Huawei took the lead in   digital services and accelerating digital
        5 with more than four times the maximum   deploying  the  industry’s  first  enterprise-  transformation.” Customers’  trust  in
        bandwidth per client and number of   class Wi-Fi 6 network in Shanghai as early   Huawei  Wi-Fi  6  is  attributed to  Huawei’s
        concurrent clients, and  more  than  three   as  2018.  Since  then,  Huawei  AirEngine   continuous  investment and dedication  to
        times lower latency.  Such  improvements   Wi-Fi 6, powered by Huawei 5G, has been   the emerging Wi-Fi  6  industry.  Some key
        have led  to  Wi-Fi  6  being  adopted by  a   the preferred choice  of many  industry   highlights include: Huawei’s leading expert
        growing  number of enterprises, schools,   customers around the world, helping them   Osama  Aboul  Magd being  elected  as the
        hospitals, and other pioneers  to  connect   to build the ideal Wi-Fi 6 networks with zero   chair of the IEEE 802.11ax Working Group in
        everything on their campus networks.   coverage holes,  zero wait  time, and zero   2014, injecting his insights to continuously
        These  early adopters  are using Wi-Fi  6   packet loss during  roaming. Customers   navigate the development  direction  of
        to deploy  innovative applications such   include:  Shenzhen  Metro in China,  Basel   the Wi-Fi  6  industry  standards.  Huawei’s
        as  4K/8K  HD  video conferencing, VR/AR   St. Jakob-Park  stadium in Switzerland,   contribution to Wi-Fi 6 standard proposals
        interactive teaching,  telemedicine,  and   Agos bank in Italy, Mondragon University   is  the highest  among device vendors.
        intelligent robots. The latest Dell’Oro Group   in Spain, and University of Johannesburg   In  October  2017,  Huawei  launched  the
        report  is  a  testimony to  the increasing   in South  Africa.  Steven Zhao, President   industry’s first commercial Wi-Fi 6 AP. Since
        popularity of  Wi-Fi  6  among  global   of Campus Network Domain, Huawei’s   then,  Huawei has constantly expanded
                                                                                 its Wi-Fi  6 portfolio by successively
                                                                                 launching  innovative  products  and
                                                                                 solutions tailored to  different scenarios.
                                                                                 Huawei  and Wireless Broadband Alliance
                                                                                 (WBA) have joined  forces  to explore Wi-
                                                                                 Fi  6-based teaching  innovations  and use
                                                                                 cases at  Mondragon University  in  Spain.
                                                                                 In the future, Huawei will continue to work
                                                                                 with  upstream and downstream  partners
                                                                                 throughout the industry, focus on industry-
                                                                                 specific  scenarios,  and  deliver  ideal  Wi-
                                                                                 Fi 6 network solutions  for new  digital
                                                                                 applications. Huawei will also forge ahead
                                                                                 with  its  AirEngine Wi-Fi  series  products
                                                                                 and solutions powered  by Huawei 5G to
                                                                                 help  enterprises build  future-proof,  fully-
                                                                                 connected campus networks.

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