Page 31 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 31


        Key Findings and Rankings:
        •  Of the top-10 largest economies in the
          world by total GDP, only the U.S. ranked
          in the top-10  for Digital  Readiness at
          #3.  However,  readiness varies  across
          the country which is also true for many
        •  Singapore took the top ranking with
          strong performance in all  seven
          components,  including  the top score
          in  Human  Capital  and Business  and
          Government Investment.
        •  Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland,
          Iceland, and Singapore are the top-five
          countries for Technology Infrastructure.
        •  The  U.S.,  Canada,  Luxembourg,
          Singapore, and the United Arab
          Emirates are the top-five countries for
          Technology Adoption.                 general,  improvements  in these three   benefit  from  improvement  in  this  area.
        •  Japan, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland,   components will have the most impact   The report also showed that all countries
          and  Iceland  are  the  top-five  countries   overall on a country’s level of digital   could benefit from additional investment in
          for Basic Needs.                     readiness.                        Technology Infrastructure, such as access
        •  Singapore,  Iceland,  New  Zealand,  •  Human Capital is critical across every   to broadband, secure internet servers, and
          Switzerland, and  Kazakhstan  are the   stage of digital readiness  to build a   more. Cisco’s Global Digital Readiness
          top-five countries for Human Capital.  workforce  capable  of utilizing and   Index is one of many projects driving our
        •  Luxembourg ranked the highest in    creating technology, and developing   work  to  create a  more inclusive digital
          Europe at  #2  overall, Israel  ranked   new skills in emerging fields.  world. This includes  corporate social
          the  highest in the  Middle  East  at #21,   •  There  is  strong correlation between   responsibility  initiatives like the  Cisco
          and Botswana  ranked the highest  on   countries’  digital readiness  scores   Networking  Academy, which  provides
          mainland Africa at #76.              and other  performance  indicators.  For   best-in-class  training for students and
        •  Singapore ranked the highest in     example, the higher a country’s digital   professionals for the most in-demand
          Southeast Asia  at  #1,  South  Korea   readiness score, the higher its GDP per   IT jobs in networking,  cybersecurity,
          ranked the highest  in East  Asia at  #8,   capita.                    and IoT.  Cisco also  provides grants  and
          and Australia  ranked  the highest in   Three stages of digital readiness emerged   technical  partnerships  to  nonprofits  and
          Asia-Pacific at #12.               based on the findings: Activate, the lowest   non-governmental  organizations  (NGOs)
        •  The U.S. took the top ranking for North   stage of digital readiness; Accelerate, the   focused  on  basic needs  like reducing
          America at #3, Chile took the top spot   middle  stage;  and  Amplify, the highest   food  insecurity, and increasing access
          for South America at  #34, and  Costa   stage of digital readiness. The factors that   to affordable housing,  clean  drinking
          Rica took the top spot for Central   impact a country’s digital readiness differ   water,  and sanitation.  Cisco has  in-
          America at #47.                    depending  on which of the three stages   house  programs that respond  to natural
        It  may  be intuitive that  technology   it  falls.  For example, those countries  in   disasters – improving the speed, efficiency,
        infrastructure and adoption  are strong   the Activate stage would primarily benefit   and  effectiveness  of  humanitarian
        indicators of a country’s digital readiness,   from  improvements in  Basic  Needs and   and disaster relief. Cisco also  works
        but our research shows that  technology   Human Capital development.  The  report   through  its  Country  Digital  Acceleration
        alone is not the answer. Developing skills,   showed that while countries in the Amplify   (CDA) program to partner with national
        ensuring  basic human needs  are met,   stage lead in digital readiness, there is still   governments,  industry  and academia to
        creating a  business friendly and start-  plenty  of room for advancement.  These   deliver real  digital  outcomes  faster  and
        up environment, and making  private  and   Amplify countries universally scored   more effectively. “At Cisco, we believe it is
        public  investments in innovation and   well for Basic Needs, including access to   important  to contribute  research to help
        technology will aid countries in their digital   safe drinking water  and electricity,  and   the continuing dialogue  on technology’s
        future. On these measures, there is a wide   Ease of Doing Business, but they need to   future impact,” Yoo added. “We hope  to
        spread of how nations are ready.     continue investing in these components to   serve in  partnership to bridge  the digital
        •  The   strongest  components   of  retain  their  position.  However  significant   divide  and  foster a more inclusive future
          digital  readiness  include:  “Basic  variation  in  terms  of Business  and   where all citizens can participate and
          Needs,”   “Human    Capital,”  and  Government  Investment  was  identified,   thrive.”
          “Technology    Infrastructure.”  In  with many countries in a position  to

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