Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        areas  in  Baushar,  Maabila,  Qurum and   average  of 8,438  housing  units.  Work is   remaining  parts  of new Salalah  and East
        Ansab, about 45,000 housing unit to help   also continuing in the wilayat of Al Awabi in   Salalah with an average of 17,000 housing
        users enjoy high-speed Internet.     South Al Batinah to connect approximately   units to be ready before the end of this
        South and North Al Batinah Governorate  11,000 housing units.            year.
        Approximately  2,500 housing  units have   Dhofar Governorate            Al Dakhiliyah Governorate
        been  connected  in the South  and North   As part of the efforts to spread the network   Approximately  400  housing  units  were
        Al  Batinah  Governorate,  specifically  in   in the south of the Sultanate, the company   connected  mostly  in  Al  Jabal  Al  Akhdar.
        Sohar.  The project was  implemented  in   signed  several agreements  with some   Efforts are underway to cover some parts
        cooperation  with Haya  Water Company,   government  authorities  in Salalah, such   of Nizwa, such as Farq and Hay Al Turath,
        in order to maximize the utilization of   as  Salalah Sewerage  Company, Dhofar   with an average of 16,000 housing units.
        infrastructure projects and unify  efforts   Municipality and Salalah Free Zone, which   The residents will enjoy high quality fiber
        to reduce  cost and time. Efforts are   facilitated the construction of the network.   optic network which will help users chose
        continuing  with  the aim  of inaugurating   About 1,800 housing units were connected   the best from among the three operators.
        some new areas  in North Al  Batinah   in Dhofar, new Salalah, Al Saadah and
        Governorate, specifically in Sohar, with an   Raysut. Efforts are underway to cover the

                                             Major Bandwidth Boost for Africa as PEACE

                                             Heads South

                                                                                 lifetime of the cable. Once  the cable  is
                                                                                 live, individual cable stakeholders will
                                                                                 have the ability to independently structure
                                                                                 the network according  to their own
                                                                                 specifications,  without  affecting  others
                                                                                 using the same cable system. The PEACE
                                                                                 South  extension  will  have an important
                                                                                 impact on connectivity from its  current
                                                                                 African landing point in Mombasa all the
                                                                                 way to South Africa, opening new Southern
                                                                                 African Development Community  (SADC)
                                                                                 and East African markets to cable partners.
                                                                                 In  addition, PEACE  South  will  provide
                                                                                 alternative routes for existing systems,
                                                                                 connecting southern Africa to Europe and
                                                                                 Asia  with  newer,  faster  high-bandwidth
                                                                                 technology  and assisting the region  to
                                                                                 improve Internet  usage  and reduce  the
        PCCW Global, the international  operating   overall success of the cable development   cost of connectivity. When completed, the
        division of HKT,  Hong Kong’s  premier   project  and the smooth  implementation   high-speed PEACE cable system will offer
        telecommunications  service  provider,  of operations,  from survey  activities  and   very low latency routes from China to both
        and PEACE  Cable  International  Network   the issuing of the relevant country permits   Europe and Africa,  interconnecting three
        Co., Limited, will  cooperate  on the   through  to manufacturing  and factory   of the world’s most populous  continents,
        PEACE South  extension  of the Pakistan   acceptance. An experienced development   whilst  delivering  a  superior  connectivity
        East  Africa  Connecting  Europe  (PEACE)   team has successfully steered the overall   experience  which  will  be  ideal for a vast
        submarine cable system. This cooperation   project, including  the implementation of   array  of  commercial  and consumer
        positions PEACE as a major cable system   an  innovative commercial  component   applications. While still  in development,
        to  head  south  from the crucial  high-  to  bundle traditional and new  capacity   the PEACE  cable system  has  already
        speed  Europe-Asia  route,  in a  move that   products and services on the same cable   proved itself as being  the fastest and
        will  deliver far-reaching  connectivity   system. New technologies  deployed  in   most agile cable connecting Africa and the
        benefits  to  the  entire  southern  African   the construction phase of the project   Middle East to Europe. Mr. Frederick Chui,
        region. The cooperation  on extension   will  enable  each  country’s bandwidth   Chief  Commercial  Officer,  PCCW  Global,
        of PEACE  to  southern  Africa follows  the   allocation  to  be  modified  during  the   said, “Since the construction of Peace East

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