Page 23 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 23


        stc Kuwait Launches Pioneering 5G RedCap FWA In The Middle East

        At the second forum of the ELITE FWA   making high-quality 5G technology   management to WTTx Suite 2.0.
        Club, held on the sidelines of MWC   accessible at significantly lower costs.   This upgrade facilitates determin-
        2024, Kuwait Telecommunications      Consequently, it not only enhances   istic experience rate provisioning,
        Company – stc announced the          customer experience but also lowers   improved indoor experience man-
        Middle East’s inaugural commercial   the barriers to 5G adoption, encour-  agement, and streamlined opera-
        deployment of 5G RedCap Fixed Wire-  aging the transition from 4G to 5G.  tions and maintenance, all aimed at
        less Access (FWA), marking a transfor-                                   elevating customer satisfaction.
        mative advancement in high-speed,    Key features of stc’s 5G RedCap FWA
        reliable internet access for both resi-  service include:                Eng. Amer Atoui, Chief Consumer
        dential and commercial clientele. The   •  High-Speed Connectivity: Deliv-  Officer of Kuwait Telecommunications
        forum attracted founding members       ers robust and consistent internet   Company – stc, stated, “Launching
        alongside an array of global telecom   speeds, catering to the digital needs   5G RedCap FWA ushers in a ground-
        leaders and ecosystem stakeholders.    of today’s lifestyle.             breaking chapter for internet connec-
                                             •  Unmatched Reliability: Ensures   tivity in the Middle East. We take pride
        5G RedCap FWA heralds a new era        a stable and dependable home      in being the region’s pioneer, reaf-
        in broadband services, offering users   broadband connection, provid-    firming our commitment to delivering
        unparalleled, seamless connectivity.   ing uninterrupted access to online   innovative solutions that enrich our
        It stands out for its ability to provide   services.                     customers’ lives.”
        stable, reliable speeds while ensur-  •  Innovation Leadership: Demon-
        ing cost-effectiveness. This innova-   strates stc’s dedication to leading   stc invites its customers to explore the
        tion is achieved through optimised     innovation in the region, introducing   transformative potential of 5G Red-
        hardware design, which includes        the latest technological break-   Cap FWA and step into a new realm
        extended battery life, reduced power   throughs to its customers.        of connectivity possibilities.
        consumption, and improved spec-      Further enhancing its service, stc
        trum efficiency on 5G CPE routers,   has upgraded its wireless network

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