Page 22 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 22

        22 APRIL-JUNE 2024

        Ericsson ConsumerLab Report Reveals Households in KSA Highly
        Prefer 5G FWA

        Ericsson has published its latest Con-  In KSA, the survey included 1,000   The study also shows that households
        sumerLab Report, revealing the survey   household representatives, compris-  expressed higher satisfaction using
        results of consumers’ perceptions of   ing 200 active FWA users, and repre-  5G FWA than fiber in terms of service
        5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA).      sented a total population of 24 million   experience (delivery time, contract
                                             residents in the surveyed households.   conditions, equipment quality and
        First of its kind globally, covering 19                                  cost level), and satisfaction is on par
        countries, including the Kingdom of   The findings from KSA reveal a shift   with fiber for network performances
        Saudi Arabia (KSA), and represent-   in trend: 5G FWA is becoming the    (speed, indoor coverage, security and
        ing 370 million households, where 1.2   primary choice for connectivity to   capacity).
        billion individuals live, the Ericsson   homes., with 4 in 5 households opt-
        ConsumerLab study findings offer a   ing for FWA as a full replacement for   Håkan Cervell, Vice President and
        diverse and comprehensive under-     previous connectivity used.         Head Ericsson Saudi Arabia and Egypt
        standing of the evolving consumer                                        at Ericsson Middle East and Africa,
        choices and perceptions related to   Additionally, 4 in 10 households believe   says: “The new Ericsson Consumer-
        FWA as a connectivity option.        that wired capabilities are superior to   Lab Report underscores the role of
                                             wireless, especially in terms of speed   Fixed Wireless Access as it enables
        The report provides service providers   and reliability. The main driver for   consumers to enjoy better and more
        with the tools they need to capture   choosing FWA is to get higher speed,   reliable connectivity. The satisfaction
        5G FWA growth and recommends         while the main barrier is the percep-  levels expressed by households in
        value-based, performance-based       tion that wired offers greater consis-  Saudi Arabia and their commitment
        and customization-based positioning   tency and stability.               to Fixed Wireless Access as well as the
        strategies to capture different                                          enhanced capabilities that it brings,
        household segments and drive FWA                                         support the view that Fixed Wireless
        adoption effectively.                                                    Access is a booster for enhanced
                                                                                 connectivity. Capitalizing on the net-
                                                                                 work scale and innovation of 5G, Fixed
                                                                                 Wireless Access is able to connect
                                                                                 homes, enterprises, and communities,
                                                                                 advancing economic growth and
                                                                                 empowerment in the digital age. Our
                                                                                 commitment is to work closely with
                                                                                 our partners in the Kingdom to ensure
                                                                                 that consumers continue to bene-
                                                                                 fit from the enormous opportunities
                                                                                 of technological advancements in
                                                                                 telecom in line with the ambitions of
                                                                                 Saudi Vision 2030 .’’

                                                                                 Jasmeet Singh Sethi, Head of
                                                                                 ConsumerLab says: “The KSA report
                                                                                 explores the high potential growth of
                                                                                 the FWA market given that 2 in 3
                                                                                 households have stated their interest
                                                                                 in 5G FWA, higher than the global
                                                                                 average and highlights that even
                                                                                 beyond the US, households choosing
                                                                                 5G FWA are abandoning their
                                                                                 previous home broadband
                                                                                 connections. ”

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