Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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                         Partners, the bidding vehicle used by Novator Partners   announced  that  December’s  multi-band spectrum
                         – the Icelandic-owned, London-based owner of Chilean   auction generated a  total  of COP5  billion (USD1.5
                         upstart operator WOM – has asked Colombia’s Ministry   billion). The watchdog  summarizes the results as
                         of Information  Technologies  and Communications   follows:
        Colombia         (MinTIC) to  retract  one of its  offers in  last  month’s   •  Claro acquired  20MHz  in the  700MHz  band  and
                         spectrum auction, after accidentally entering a bid ten   30MHz in the 2500MHz band;
                         times higher than the going rate. As per MinTIC bidding   •  Tigo acquired 40MHz  in  the 700MHz  band, but
                         documents,  the  newcomer  mistakenly entered  a bid   was unable to bid on 2500MHz frequencies due to
                         of COP1.748 trillion (USD534.2 million) for Block 2 in   spectrum caps;
                         the  2500MHz  band,  well ahead of its bids for Block   •  Partners (a bidding vehicle for Novator Partners, the
                         5  (COP293.2  billion)  and Block  6  (COP173.5  billion).   Icelandic-owned,  London-based owner  of Chilean
                         Partners seeks to have the higher bid removed from the   upstart  operator  WOM)  acquired 20MHz  in the
                         auction proceedings,  but the other 2500MHz  blocks   700MHz  band and 30MHz  in  the 2500MHz  band;
                         are unaffected  by  the request.  A  statement issued   and
                         by the MinTIC on 3 January confirmed: ‘The operator   •  Telefonica  Colombia, which had registered to
                         indicates  that there is an inconsistency  in the  value   participate, did not win any spectrum.
                         offered in one of  the blocks and incurred in  error …   MinTIC  notes that  a  2×2.5MHz  1900MHz  block went
                         the MinTIC, in the light of the rules established in the   unsold  as did  a 10MHz  block  of 700MHz  spectrum.
                         auction,  and the  regulations  in force,  will study the   The 700MHz  spectrum  licenses  are understood  to
                         application and will decide on it in the coming weeks.’   include  obligations  to bring  4G connectivity  to 3,658
                         (January 6, 2020)              rural locations across 32 departments of the country,
                                                                        including  the San Andres archipelago;  all  rural 4G
                         Colombia’s  Ministry  of Information Technologies   networks must be operational in less than five years.
                         and Communications  (Ministerio de Tecnologias  de   (January 2, 2020)
                         la  Informacion  y  las  Comunicaciones,  MinTIC) has

                         The distribution of 5G spectrum in Estonia is still on   of national and regional licenses to be made available,
                         hold following the latest  legal challenge  against  the   allowing smaller players like itself to enter  the  5G
                         terms of the planned auction. Last month the Circuit   market. The matter has been confused by reports that
                         Court in Tallinn upheld  a  decision by the Ministry of   Levikom  is  behind  with  its  tax  payments, meaning it
        Estonia          Economic Affairs and Communications (MKM) to offer   could well have been barred from participating in the
                         three 5G licenses in the 3400MHz-3800MHz band. The   5G  auction process anyway.  Eesti  Rahvusringhaaling
                         Ministry was forced to postpone the auction in March   (ERR) cites Ministry  spokesperson  Laura  Laaster
                         2019  when  fixed-wireless  and  IoT  operator  Levikom   as  saying: ‘The court  dispute  has  no doubt  slowed
                         challenged  the terms, saying that  offering just  three   down the process of issuing frequency  permits and
                         concessions  would hamper competition  by  favoring   consequently the development of 5G networks. At the
                         the trio of incumbent  cellcos.  Levikom  has now   same time, we cannot say Estonia has fallen far behind
                         appealed last month’s court ruling, taking the matter   other countries.’
                         to the country’s Supreme Court. Levikom wants a mix   (January 23, 2020)

                         French  communications  regulator  Arcep  officially   megahertz  will  then be sold with  a  reserve  price for
                         opened  applications for the sale  of 5G  spectrum   each  lot of €70 million. Each operator  can acquire
                         licenses, Arcep said in a statement. Interested operators   a  minimum of  40  megahertz  and maximum  of  100
                         will have until February 25 to submit their applications.   megahertz in the process. Authorities expect to raise
        France           This announcement follows the confirmation of pricing   at least €2.2 billion with the sale of 5G licenses. The
                         and terms released by Arcep in mid-December. Arcep   regulator had also said that the use of the 3.4-3.8 GHz
                         also confirmed that it plans to conduct the allocation   band will  be complemented  by  other  bands,  each of
                         procedure  and award  the frequency  licenses  to  the   which will  help reach the full potential of 5G.  These
                         winning candidates in the first half of 2020. Under the   include the 700 MHz band, which was already allocated
                         terms of the spectrum auction, France’s four existing   to operators in France in 2015, and the 26 GHz band,
                         operators will be offered 50 megahertz of spectrum in   which will be allocated at a later date. The country’s
                         the 3.4-3.8 GHz bands at a fixed price of €350 million   four  operators  Orange,  SFR, Iliad  and Bouygues  are
                         ($389  million) for each block. Further blocks of 10   all expected to take part in the upcoming 5G auction.

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