Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         Analysis  by  Australia’s  competition  watchdog  found   pointed  to a  reduction  in the number  of affordable
                         while mobile  data allowances  increased  65 per cent   entry-level plans available on the market, which it said
                         in the year to end-June  2019, the average  price  for   are being withdrawn in favor of higher-priced plans with
                         mobile services fell 6.6 per cent. The annual decrease   more inclusions.  ACCC chair Rod Sims, said: “While
        Australia        was slightly below the average 7.5 per cent reduction   competition  and investment are giving consumers
                         in  prices  over  the  past  five  years,  the  Australian   better value in terms of higher  quality  services for
                         Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) revealed   their money, consumers  who do not want  bells and
                         in a regular market report. Over the same period, fixed   whistles are struggling to find cheap, entry-level, fixed
                         broadband prices fell 2.5 per cent each year. In the year   broadband  and voice  products.”  Strong  demand  for
                         to end-June 2019, prepaid mobile prices dropped 7.3   streaming services fuelled a 47 per cent jump in data
                         per cent year-on-year and post-paid by 6.5 per cent.   downloads, with fixed broadband accounting for 88 per
                         The largest increases in data allowance were recorded   cent of the total. The proportion of Australians relying
                         in tariffs in the AUD60 ($41.19) to AUD70 range. Within   solely on mobile for broadband dropped from 23 per
                         this,  average post-paid  allocations increased from   cent in 2014 to 16 per cent in 2019, ACCC noted, citing
                         23GB to 43GB, with prepaid nearly doubling from 29GB   data from the Australian Communications and Media
                         to 57GB. While mobile prices continued to fall, the ACCC   Authority. (January 21, 2020)

                         The Competition  College  of the Belgian Competition   agreement will have ‘positive effects for customers and
                         Authority (BCA)  has  suspended  implementation  of   Belgian society as a whole’. (January 13, 2020)
                         the planned  mobile network sharing joint venture
                         between Proximus and Orange Belgium until 16 March   Telecoms  regulator  the Belgian Institute for Postal
        Belgium          following  a complaint  from rival mobile  network   Services  and  Telecommunications  (BIPT)  has
                         operator (MNO) Telenet. In a press release issued, the   announced a public consultation on a range of issues
                         competition authority announced it was imposing an   regarding mobile spectrum. Stakeholders are invited to
                         interim injunction on the transfer of staff to the new   comment on the legislative proposals for reorganizing
                         joint venture, although the two companies are free to   spectrum  in the 3.4GHz-3.6GHz  frequency  band to
                         proceed  with  preparations for the alliance, including   enable its use for 5G, the potential use of the 3.8GHz-
                         the purchase of network equipment. The BCA noted the   4.2GHz frequency band by private 4G and 5G networks,
                         delay will give the Belgian Institute for Postal Services   as well as the extension of 2G and 3G authorizations
                         and Telecommunications (BIPT) more time to consider   beyond the current expiry date of 15 March 2021, due
                         the deal, first announced in July 2019. Telenet, which   to delays in finalizing an auction. The consultation will
                         argues  the tie-up will  limit  competition  and hamper   also examine plans for operators to pay a license fee for
                         innovation, welcomed the announcement, describing it   use of the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz frequency band, similar to
                         as ‘a step in the right direction’. Orange and Proximus,   that applied to the 800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2GHz
                         meanwhile,  stressed they  had already taken steps   and 2.6GHz bands. Stakeholders have until 29 January
                         to allay the regulator’s concerns  and claimed  the   2020 to submit their views. (January 2, 2020)

                         An auction of 5G spectrum in Brazil could be delayed   and there was no timetable for the auction to be held
                         by 12 months as regulator Anatel remains embroiled in   at  this  stage.  The delay  represents a  setback for
                         a dispute over the rules of the process, Financial Times   major equipment  vendors,  which are expected  to bid
                         (FT) reported. The auction was scheduled to be held in   for lucrative contracts to supply  5G equipment  and
        Brazil           March, but this was pushed to at least the end of the   infrastructure to  operators  in the country.  In  mid-
                         year: analysts told FT a Q1 2021 date was more likely.   2019, Nokia’s Latin America CTO Wilson Cardoso told
                         An official timeline could be revealed in February when   Mobile World Live Brazil would be home to the world’s
                         Anatel’s board meets,  but a public  consultation  and   biggest  auction of 5G suitable frequencies.  Ericsson
                         judicial review still  need  to be held. A representative   also had high  hopes  for the country, announcing  in
                         for Anatel said the consultations had been postponed   November  2019 it would  invest BRL1  billion  ($244

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