Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        with the aim of building and strengthening the infrastructure and   reports  and statistics  on the allocation of frequency  bands by
        improving the quality of service so that modern  technologies   G-20 countries. The Kingdom was second after Japan ahead of
        can be deployed and user experience  be improved,  including   the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Canada, and the rest of
        the number of towers that support fifth generation technologies   G-20 countries as the total frequency bands allocated to provide
        reaching  5,200 base towers in more than 30 cities around  the   communication services reached (1110) MHz. The International
        Kingdom. This technology  will  contribute  to  providing digital   Telecommunication  Union (ITU) commended  the kingdom’s
        infrastructure for many innovative services in addition  to   regulation of the telecommunications and information technology
        enabling the fourth industrial revolution and adopting emerging   sector which achieved an advanced position in the indicators of
        and modern  technologies.  These achievements  also included   global competitiveness as the Kingdom advanced (16) positions
        the Kingdom’s  second  ranking in  the list  of G-20  countries  for   globally in this regard. (January 1, 2020)
        the total allocation of frequency bands identified globally for the
        provision of mobile communications services, and according to

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority (TRA) held a   sets the road map for the sector during the next ten years. 2020 is
        direct  consultation session  with its partners  on  the  UAE ICT   the year of preparation for the future, the year of Expo, the year of
        and Telecom Policy. The session took the form of an interactive   the 5G implementation, the year of implementation of the national
        workshop  during  which  the entities  representatives exchanged   cybersecurity strategy, and the year of the UAE ICT and Telecom
        views and opinions on various aspects of the proposed policy.   Policy “ H.E. Al Mansoori added: “The ICT and Telecom sector is
        The workshop,  which was  held at  the TRA Dubai, was  chaired   a dynamic and constantly changing sector. We have witnessed in
        by  H.E.  Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansoori, TRA Director General. AL   the past few years the great boom in this field such as the intensive
        Mansoori delivered a welcome speech during which he stressed   employment  of  robots,  artificial  intelligence,  nanotechnology,
        on the importance of government participation and team spirit to   quantum  computing,  biotechnology, the Internet  of things,  3D
        provide an ICT policy that takes into account all relevant aspects   printing, autonomous vehicles, and others. This policy comes at
        in the telecommunications sector for the coming ten years (2020 -   the right time, raising an important slogan: “a smart and happy
        2031). The development of the policy is one of the tasks entrusted   nation”. With your efforts, and all  our  cooperation,  this policy
        to TRA according to Federal Law No. 3 of 2003 (Telecom Law) and   will be a great support to the preparations for the coming fifty
        its amendments. Furthermore, TRA engages relevant government   years, in implementation of the directives of our wise leadership.”
        entities in  developing and updating  the policy based on the   The UAE  ICT  and Telecom  Policy reflects  the UAE  aspirations
        principle of participation for the aim of supporting the national   to maintain progress in the ICT sector, in order to continue the
        goals in various sectors. The policy aims to draw a road map for   successes  achieved  in this vital  sector, as it has held  many
        ICT sector for the next ten years, including pillars and topics that   advanced rankings in various regional and global indicators, which
        require concerted efforts to reach the aimed goals and objectives,   enhances economic and social growth and achieves happiness
        in line with the aspirations of our wise leadership. The workshop   and the welfare of society. The policy will contribute to achieving
        discussed the results of TRA consultation launched on its website   the vision and directions of the government in this vital sector
        on the policy  and its  amendments.  The opinions  and ideas   to reach a “smart and happy nation”. The UAE ICT and Telecom
        submitted by several government and private entities to TRA were   Policy includes the highlights of the policy, its mains pillars, the
        compiled and discussed by the participants in the workshop, to be   role of innovation and future foresight in the ICT sector, taking
        considered in developing the UAE ICT and Telecom Policy, to keep   into account  the National Innovation Strategy  and the Future
        pace with the rapid changes in the vital ICT sector. The policy was   Foresight Strategy. The UAE government emphasizes the pivotal
        developed under the slogan “a smart and happy nation”, in line   role of the ICT sector in the smart transformation of society, the
        with the higher goals of the government to achieve happiness for   strategy also highlights some future trends of the ICT sector.
        everyone in the UAE, and to apply the concepts of smart cities in   (January 20, 2020)
        the era of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence and
        big data. This move also coincides with the beginning of 2020, the   The Executive Team for Online Services Index (OSI), an indicator
        year of preparation towards the next 50, as per the declaration   of  the UAE  Vision 2021  National  Agenda,  held its  twenty-sixth
        of out wise  leadership. In  his  opening  speech,  H.E.  Hamad   meeting,  under  the  slogan  “Together  towards  the  first  place”.
        Obaid Al Mansoor, TRA Director General, praised the team spirit   The meeting, which is the first for 2020, was held at TRA Dubai
        reflected  in the participation of TRA partners in transforming   office, headed by H.E. Salem Al Housani, Acting Deputy Director
        policy into general consultation, to be the result of comprehensive   General for Information and e-Government Sector and Head of the
        community  participation. He said: “This policy  reflects  the   National OSI Executive Team, and attended by members of sub-
        expectations of the UAE ICT sector in the UAE future journey, and   teams representing various local government entities in the UAE.

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