Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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                                              to funding  and investment  are required   in different countries might take a similar
          Broadband Technology Development    that ultimately enable inclusive and local   shape could be reviewing or re-purposing
          -  Hybrid  internet  solutions combine   value-enhancing  digital transformation   USFs  – across  Africa, 37  USFs  are not
          the copper phone network and the 4G   and strike a  better balance between   disbursed,  amounting  to an  estimated
          mobile network to  increase speed  to   different digital ecosystem  stakeholders   US$480  million.  This could  be  a good
          customers, using a specific gateway (a   benefiting   from   advanced   network   start to freeing already earmarked funds
          type of modem). This solution is already   infrastructure.              towards the building and development of
          in use in Belgium and the Netherlands                                   broadband infrastructure.
          with speeds of 30 Mbps in previously   Different options  are being  put forward
          under-served areas.                 by  various  stakeholders,  ranging from   The debate about the need  for new
          -  The satellite industry is  currently   spot approaches of  infrastructure  roll-  approaches  to  funding  and  financing  of
          delivering the next-generation satellite   out, including  community, privately run   broadband  development  is an ongoing
          broadband. Two  recent  innovations   municipality  and operators  subsidy   one, most recently the central topic of the
          are the high-throughput satellites and   broadband  models;  technology-based   UN  Broadband Commission’s  Working
          the non-geostationary  orbit satellites.   solutions such as building multi-operator   Group  “Broadband for All: A Digital
          By  using these types of satellites,   shared  core- and access  networks;  the   Moonshot Infrastructure for Africa”
          connections  over 30  Mbps may  be   creation of Special Purpose  Vehicles   that examined  in detail the  investments
          offered in the future to a larger number   or introduction  of digital taxes, which   required for doubling connectivity by 2021
          of rural or remote customers.       a  number of countries  are unilaterally   and reaching  universal  access by  2030.
          - 5G, 5th generation mobile networks are   considering  or implementing  in the   The Working Group found that to double
          the next wireless telecommunications   absence  of an  internationally  agreed   broadband  connectivity  by  2021, nearly
          standards. 5G planning aims at higher   solution (see InfoBox 3); the establishment   220 million new people must come online
          capacity than current 4G, allowing a   of dedicated  ICT  Funds into which   and an estimated $9 billion in investment
          higher  density  of mobile  broadband   companies  that  provide digital  services   is  required.  Moreover,  nearly 1.1  billion
          users, and supporting device-to-device,   in a jurisdiction are obliged to contribute;   new unique users must be connected to
          more reliable,  and massive machine-  review and repurposing  of USFs; to a   achieve universal, affordable,  and good
          to-machine  communications.  5G has   “Pay and Play” model  where recognition   quality broadband  internet  access by
          three elements: (1) enhanced  mobile   would be given for investments in network   2030, and an estimated additional $100
          broadband,  (2) massive Internet of   infrastructure to recognize and incentivize   billion would be needed to reach this goal
          Things,  (3) mission critical services   partnerships  and innovative approaches   over the next decade.
          (such as self-driving cars). 5G requires   developed  by  digital  economy  players,
          a middle  mile infrastructure based   and many more. Which type of approach   The Report  puts forward a  number  of
          on  fibre  making  5G  a  complement  to,   is  suitable  will  significantly  differ,   proposals with regards to different
          but not a replacement  for, high speed   depending on local economic and socio-  financing  mechanisms,  stressing  the
          broadband  networks close  to the end   economic  contexts  and circumstances,   importance  for each  ecosystem partner
          user.                               the  degree  of regional  integration,  as   to  play  a  role in mobilizing necessary
          -Fixed  Wireless  Access  in  the  5G   well as country size/scale and system in   resources and making  contributions to
          context  can  be  an  efficient  and  more   place. One immediate measure, however,   infrastructure  funding,  financing  and
          cost-effective means of connecting   which has been put forward by numerous   investment.  It  identifies  a  cost  sharing
          the unconnected also  in those areas   stakeholders and to which the approach   percentage  of two-thirds to be funded
          that are less economical and hard-to-
          reach. 5G FWA retains the key benefit         Figure 5: Overview of different options for Broadband Funding
          of current FWA offerings  in that it
          enables  the establishment  of a  quick
          and cheap broadband service, even in
          areas that don’t have ready access to
          fixed  line  home  broadband.  5G  FWA
          doesn’t require any engineering works
          at the customer end - just the provision
          of  so-called  Customer  Premise
          Equipment (CPEs), which can be readily
          self-installed by  the subscriber.  The
          Market Insights Report  estimates that
          5G FWA will  reduce  the initial  cost of
          establishing  ‘last-mile’  connectivity
          by as much  as 40% compared  to a
          physical fibre line approach.

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