Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 25


                                             Telecom Egypt’s Board of Directors Approved the
                                             Budget for the Fiscal Year 2020

        Adel Hamed, Managing Director and Chief   broadband  market with the launch  of   of service as we direct our spending towards
        Executive  Officer,  commented:    “Telecom   ‘WE SPACE’ and complemented our retail   systems and digital transformation within
        Egypt’s  budget  for 2020  reflects our   portfolio by introducing our digital wallet,   the organization. With that Telecom Egypt
        strategy to position the company at  the   ‘WE Pay’. In 2020, we expect to kick-off a   would  have completed  its elevated and
        forefront of the ICT market and transform   number of projects, which will allow us to   expedited Capex spending cycle and hence
        Egypt into a  regional digital  hub. To   capitalize on 2019’s growth and continue   its priorities will be focused on managing
        accomplish this, we will continue to invest   to  monetize our investments. In  terms   its  cash  flows  in light of this  remaining
        in infrastructure expansions and contribute   of wholesale growth, the growth  of our   Capex outlay  and the higher  interest
        to significant national projects to seize all   domestic  and international businesses   costs associated with the higher leverage.
        opportunities in the market.  We will  also   is expected to be driven by the mounting   This is  a  challenge that  we  are  planning
        build  on our strong  retail performance   demand for infrastructure  services by   to  mitigate  by  setting relaxed  payment
        by  preserving our growth momentum,   MNOs and ISPs and higher cable projects   terms with vendors, extracting synergies
        especially in  data  services.  During 2019,   revenues.  This year marks  the dedicated   from existing  assets and extracting  cost
        we  led  the  shift  of  the  Egyptian  fixed   focus on customer experience and quality   efficiencies.”

                                             Zain Drone: First Drone Services Provider in Region
                                             to Receive ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Quality

                                             Management System

        Zain  Group, the  leading mobile  telecom
        innovator in eight markets across the
        Middle East  and  Africa, announces that
        its  Zain  Drone  subsidiary  has  received
        ISO  9001:2015  Certification  with  respect
        to its Quality Management System (QMS).
        This  significant  achievement  makes  Zain
        Drone the first drone services provider in
        the region to  receive  the internationally
        recognized accreditation.   ISO  9001
        specifies requirements for a QMS standard
        reached by organizations to demonstrate
        the ability to consistently provide services
        that  meet customer  and  regulatory
        requirements, and to  create operational
        efficiencies  by  aligning  and  streamlining
        processes  throughout  the organization.
        Zain Drone’s certification offers assurances
        for external  parties that  the company
        follows a  process-oriented  approach   Commenting  further on the development,   focused approach we need to maintain to
        for their service delivery  standards,   Zain Drone  CEO, AbdulAziz Jawad said,   be able to lead in this field.”  Zain Group
        risk  assessment approaches,  and the   “Our ISO 9001:2015 certification is the next   first announced the launch of its pioneering
        procedures required to achieve its effective   step in the company establishing itself as   Zain Drone  service  in Kuwait in October
        quality  management  in  the organization.   the  leading  Drone-as-a-Service provider   2018, with the plan to expand its operation
        The  internationally  recognized standard   in the Middle East region. The certification   to other markets across its footprint  in
        helps organizations in implementing   makes it clear to stakeholders that we are   due  course.   Since  then,  Zain Drone  has
        a   customer-focused  approach  and  attentive to our quality management, and   announced  several strategic  partnership
        an  on-going  process improvement to   to international  stakeholders  it  provides   and commercial  agreements.   Drone as-
        achieve  efficiency  among  other  benefits.    a benchmark  of the level of customer-  a-Service (DaaS) unlocks opportunities

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