Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        serve by investing in new digital platforms,   milestone  surpassing  some of the top   Dubai has attributed  to its  success  as  a
        5G technologies and global brand building   renowned  regional  brands.” Etisalat  as  a   brand in the region. As the premier digital
        initiatives. “Inspired by our ambitious and   brand has played a growing role in fulfilling   services and telecommunications partner
        digitally  fueled  vision ‘Driving the digital   the UAE’s National Innovation Strategy   of Expo 2020 Dubai, Etisalat is prepared to
        future to empower societies’ Etisalat   and its  dominant  influence  in  shaping   deliver the event’s  visitors  and  delegates
        has taken the lead in the launch of 5G in   the region’s  digital  future are behind   5G  connectivity that  brings the Expo
        MENA opening  a  world of opportunities   its  continued  success. Operating in 16   themes to life for the 25 million expected
        and spurring innovation in the government   countries  with  148  million  subscribers   visitors.  Several  factors have attributed
        and industries  providing  a platform to   across Asia, Middle  East  and Africa,   to  the success  and growth of  Etisalat’s
        enable future technologies  to become an   Etisalat’s  success can also  be attributed   brand value mainly driven by an innovative
        integral part of our economy and lifestyle.   to its  continued  efforts  in developing  its   customer  service strategy, adapting  well
        This achievement  also reinforces  the   customer  loyalty  programmes, sports   to a digital savvy marketplace,  leading
        synergy of operating companies across   sponsorship  commitments and  in  driving   the 5G revolution and the successful
        our  footprint,  creating  brand loyalty   the digital  future to empower  societies.   launch of global brand building initiatives.
        and enhanced  engagement  with our   Etisalat  pioneering  5G efforts in the   Etisalat  has  also  led digital  innovation  in
        customers. Thanks to the UAE leadership’s   region  and delivering  one  of the fastest,   the country by working on several digital
        support,  vision and encouragement that   smartest and best-connected  places on   initiatives  in  infrastructure, entertainment
        helped  Etisalat  achieve  this  significant   earth during  the global  mega  Expo  2020   and smart cities. Etisalat has reached out
                                                                                 and engaged  with its consumers across
                                                                                 markets with global branding initiatives by
                                                                                 sponsoring global football teams and clubs
                                                                                 aligning with the brand’s priorities of being
                                                                                 at the forefront of major sporting events.
                                                                                 Etisalat also launched the new positioning
                                                                                 campaign ‘Together Matters’  to  highlight
                                                                                 togetherness  among  its  subscribers
                                                                                 in  today’s  world  of connectivity.  Brand
                                                                                 Finance, is the world’s leading independent
                                                                                 branded  business valuation and strategy
                                                                                 consultancy, and is the organisation behind
                                                                                 the Global  500  Brands  and  Telecom 300
                                                                                 league table of the world’s biggest brands
                                                                                 ranked by their brand value, assesses the
                                                                                 dollar value of  the reputation,  image and
                                                                                 intellectual property of the brand.

        Etisalat Launches First OpenRAN Network in MENA Region

        Etisalat  has announced  the successful   vRAN technology vendors.  The solution   methods. Additionally, network  capacity
        launch  of open virtual  Radio Access   combines  scalability  enhancement and   augmentation  and  optimization  is
        Network (Open vRAN),  becoming  the   virtual  networks  achieved by  integrating   enhanced  by  the  simplification  of  nodes
        first  operator  in  MENA  to  achieve  this   equipment  from  various vendors.  Using   and enabling new automated methods and
        technological  feat.  By  supporting Open   commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware   AI algorithms. Saeed Al Zarouni, Senior Vice
        architecture, Open vRAN technology   from third parties, Etisalat is transforming   President, Mobile Network at Etisalat, said:
        accelerates   the delivery of mobile   the hardware network to a software-based   “Keeping  in line with  Etisalat’s  strategy
        networks. The technology is the foundation   one. The vRAN architecture approach   of ‘Driving  the  digital future to empower
        of next-generation wireless infrastructure   decouples the programmable RAN software   societies’, deploying the Open vRAN is vital
        driven by innovation and open standards.   elements  from  the hardware,  allowing   in enabling digital transformation aimed at
        Today’s  announcement  demonstrates  generally available hardware  (generic   increasing  efficiencies  and  the  utilization
        Etisalat’s strong commitment to sustaining   pre-processer)  and server platforms to   of AI.  Today’s announcement  is aligned
        its technological leadership, by bringing in   process the RAN software. This results in   with UAE’s objectives of achieving digital
        such technological advances. Etisalat has   deployment flexibility, scalability, agility,   transformation with  the deployment of
        become one of the first operators worldwide   energy efficient networks through reducing   best-in-class  technologies.  Etisalat  now
        to launch this technology. The success of   hardware  elements on the network.   plans to roll out Open vRAN across the UAE
        this  deployment by  Etisalat  was  possible   Open vRAN  approach reduces  time  to   to  take  full  advantage  of  all  the  benefits
        with the collaboration of Etisalat partners   market, as it is quicker to deploy mobile   that this new technology offers.”
        Altiostar,  NEC,  Cisco and other leading   networks than traditional deployment

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