Page 18 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 18
bandwidth is distributed among ideal for activities like streaming, Dedicated Private Leased Circuit
multiple users, Zong’s DIA offers gaming, and large file transfers. (DPLC)
dedicated bandwidth exclusively for With high-speed connectivity, Zong’s Dedicated Private Leased
each business. users can enjoy smooth online Circuit (DPLC) is a specialized
experiences, while Zong’s extensive connectivity solution designed to
Businesses benefit from consistent network infrastructure ensures broad provide businesses with secure,
internet speeds that are unaffected coverage across both urban and reliable, and high-performance
by other users' traffic, ensuring rural areas. This helps bridge the private network connections for both
optimal performance even during digital divide and ensures reliable domestic and international needs.
peak usage times. This makes it a access for remote users. It ensures consistent internet speed
perfect solution for operations that through dedicated bandwidth,
require large data transfers, real- significantly reducing the risks of
time applications, and constant Zong’s TurboNet is congestion and slowdowns. The DPLC
connectivity. Furthermore, Zong’s designed to deliver fast offers a private network link between
scalability allows businesses to easily and reliable internet to locations, enhancing security by
adjust their bandwidth requirements minimizing the chances of data
individuals and small
as their needs evolve. breaches and unauthorized access.
businesses, ideal for
activities like streaming,
Along with 24/7 customer support, Key features of Zong’s DPLC
Zong ensures any technical issues gaming, and large file include high-speed connectivity,
are quickly resolved. Security is a transfers. With high- customizable bandwidth,
key focus, with advanced features speed connectivity, and guaranteed uptime and
like firewalls and intrusion detection performance. The service also
users can enjoy smooth
systems protecting businesses from incorporates redundancy options to
online experiences, while
cyber threats. Zong’s customizable ensure uninterrupted connectivity
Zong’s extensive network
solutions allow companies to tailor during network failures. Scalability
the service to meet their specific infrastructure ensures allows businesses to adjust their
needs, whether for high-speed data broad coverage across network capacity as their needs
transfers or specialized applications. both urban and rural areas. evolve, and with 24/7 customer
Built-in redundancy and failover support, any technical issues are
options also ensure uninterrupted promptly addressed. The DPLC’s
connectivity, minimizing downtime TurboNet offers flexible data plans, strengths lie in its enhanced security,
and ensuring business continuity. allowing users to choose packages reliability, and high performance,
that match their usage needs and making it ideal for critical operations.
Zong’s Dedicated Internet Access budget. The service is compatible Additionally, Zong’s international
(DIA) offers more than just technical with various devices, including gateways in Islamabad and Karachi,
advantages. The reliability of Zong’s smartphones, tablets, and home connected via terrestrial and
DIA supports business continuity, routers, providing flexibility in internet submarine cables, respectively,
vital for companies dependent on access. With affordable pricing and provide robust connections to
cloud services or online interactions. easy activation, TurboNet makes global destinations. These gateways
With a stable, fast connection, high-speed internet accessible to a ensure high levels of protection
businesses can enhance productivity wide audience, while Zong’s customer and low latencies, making Zong
by avoiding delays common with support ensures prompt assistance a preferred choice for businesses
shared bandwidth. As companies when needed. requiring comprehensive connectivity
grow, Zong’s DIA easily scales solutions.
to meet expanding demands Key strengths of TurboNet include its
without disruption. The high-speed, high performance for bandwidth- IP Transit
dependable internet also gives heavy tasks, wide accessibility, and Zong’s IP Transit services provide
businesses a competitive edge, cost-effectiveness. The service’s high-performance, reliable, and
improving communication, customer user-friendly interface and reliable secure internet connectivity for
service, and operational efficiency. connectivity make it a convenient, businesses of all sizes, with speeds
dependable option for both personal up to 100Gbps. Zong’s extensive
TurboNet and small business use. TurboNet global network and strategic peering
Zong’s TurboNet is designed to stands out as a cost-efficient, high- relationships ensure direct access
deliver fast and reliable internet to speed internet solution catering to to major internet hubs for seamless
individuals and small businesses, diverse user needs. communication.