Page 17 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 17

 PB                                                                               JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024           17

                                                     Zong 4G’s

                                                     Pioneering GCSS

                                                     Corporate Solutions:

                                                     Reshaping the

                                                     Digital Landscape of

          Amna Asad                                  Pakistan
          Assistant Manager Corporate

        Since its launch in 2008, Zong 4G,   Zong 4G has positioned itself as a
        a subsidiary of China Mobile, has    key enabler of digital transformation   Recognizing the diverse
        established itself as one of Pakistan's   for businesses of all sizes. With a   and evolving needs of
        leading telecommunications service   steadfast commitment to nurturing
                                                                                      enterprises, Zong 4G
        providers. Known for being the first   Pakistan's digital ecosystem, Zong
                                                                                      has positioned itself
        network to offer 4G LTE              4G consistently delivers innovative,
        services in the country, Zong 4G has   state-of-the-art solutions that         as a key enabler of
        consistently set benchmarks in the   empower corporations to thrive in       digital transformation
        industry, driving digital innovation   an increasingly connected world.        for businesses of all
        and expanding high-speed mobile      From offering high-speed, reliable
                                                                                     sizes. With a steadfast
        internet access across Pakistan. Zong   internet to providing secure, scalable
                                                                                   commitment to nurturing
        4G is recognized for its robust      enterprise solutions, Zong is at the
        network infrastructure, customer-    forefront of driving digital growth.       Pakistan's digital
        centric approach, and cutting-edge   Its advanced services are designed       ecosystem, Zong 4G
        solutions that empower individuals   to meet the demands of modern            consistently delivers
        and businesses. Over the years, Zong   businesses, ensuring they stay
                                                                                      innovative, state-of-
        has received numerous awards for its   competitive and future-ready in the
                                                                                     the-art solutions that
        superior service quality, innovation,   ever-changing digital landscape.
        and contribution to Pakistan’s digital                                     empower corporations to
        landscape.                           Zong's solutions are tailored to       thrive in an increasingly
                                             enhance operational efficiency,            connected world.
        Zong’s Trailblazing Corporate        ensure business continuity, and
        Solutions                            drive digital transformation. The
        In today's fast-paced digital        company's offerings, including       Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)
        landscape, businesses depend on      Dedicated Internet Access (DIA),     Zong’s Dedicated Internet Access
        stable, high-performance internet    TurboNet, and Dedicated Private      (DIA) is a premium internet service
        connectivity to ensure seamless      Leased Circuit (DPLC), cater to      designed specifically for businesses
        operations and uninterrupted         organizations of all sizes, providing   that demand consistent and high-
        services. Recognizing the diverse    robust internet services that support   performance connectivity. Unlike
        and evolving needs of enterprises,   critical business operations.        shared internet services, where

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