Page 14 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 14

        14     JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024

                                                     FWA: A Revenue


          Alex Xu
          President of Carrier Business
          Huawei Middle East & Central Asia

        Since the beginning of 5G              have been marketed, and high-end
        commercialization in 2019, more        CPEs which support it have been     Huawei's innovative FWA
        than 50% of the world's 5G operators   mass produced including Brovi,        Service Turbo solution
        have put FWA as one of the main        MeiG, T&W. The launch of RedCap
                                                                                       works with CPEs to
        services. FWA subscribers are          CPE makes the price of 5G CPE less
                                                                                    ensure user experience,
        growing strongly. By the end of        than US$60. According to the GSA
        2023, the number of global 5G FWA      report, the terminal ecosystem         such as reducing the
        subscribers exceeded 20 million. It    is booming. 311 CPE models have      latency of cloud gaming
        is estimated that this number will     been released and more than 212      services and stabilizing
        reach 300 million by the end of 2029.   CPE models have been put into
                                                                                      the network speed of
        FWA service has contributed 10% of     commercial use.
                                                                                       video services. This
        the total revenue for some pioneer   •  In terms of user requirements,
        operators.                             pure connection requirements are      solution surpasses the
                                               shifting to richer applications, such   existing home broadband
        Looking at the global trends, we see   as AIGC, online education, cloud      experience boundary,
        three of the latest industry changes:  gaming/cloud storage, and home
                                                                                     supports operators to
        •   In terms of spectrum, more and     IoT.
                                                                                    develop scenario-based
          more operators can obtain a
          second or a third large-bandwidth   Considering the Middle East region,      packages, enriches
          TDD spectrums, providing ultra-    5G was put into commercial use in       service contents, and
          large bandwidth capabilities for   2019, which was among the world’s         increases business
          the wireless networks. Currently,   first 5G wave. Operators in the
          some leading operators, such as du   region actively deploy 5G national
          UAE, e& UAE, stc Saudi Arabia, and   networks and provision services. Due
          CMCC, have deployed three TDD      to their accumulated experience      have been developed, and this
          carrier aggregation (CA) in a large-  in 4G WTTx, FWA is one of the key   contributes to a result that 5G traffic
          scale.                             services at the beginning of 5G      accounts for more than 50% of the
        •  In terms of terminals, 5.5G CPEs   while all GCC operators have put    total network traffic. Operators are
          supporting 3 Carrier Component-    5G FWA into commercial use. So       actively exploring applications such
          Channel Aggregation (3CC CA)       far, more than 3 million FWA users   as guaranteed high-speed services

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