Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        Telstra Reaches Milestone for Number of Connected 5G Devices

        Australia’s Telstra has provided an update   end-users.  Indeed,  it  was  not until May   begun selling its first 5G-capable devices
        on  its 5G rollout,  ZDNet  reports, with the   2019 that the operator  announced  it had   for consumers.
        mobile network operator (MNO) revealing
        at  the at  CES 2020 trade show  that it
        now has  a  total  of 100,000  5G  devices
        connected to its network. Meanwhile, the
        MNO  was  also  said  to  have  confirmed
        that it currently has 800 5G-capable sites,
        while noting that it is still aiming to extend
        5G connectivity to a  total of 35 cities
        by mid-2020.  As previously reported  by
        CommsUpdate,  Telstra  began activating
        5G  sites  in August 2018  but commercial
        services were not available at  the time
        due to the lack of compatible devices for

        DOCOMO, MobiledgeX to Conduct PoC Trials to Verify Worldwide Distribu-

        tion of 5G Applications

        Japan’s leading mobile  operator by   MEC infrastructure, such  as servers and   based software  studio ‘1000  realities’,
        subscribers, NTT DOCOMO, is teaming up   storage  systems, located  on  the edges   distributed to the MEC platform, DOCOMO
        with US-based MobiledgeX  to conduct  a   of  mobile  operator  networks that  are   Open Innovation  Cloud,  connected  to  5G
        joint proof of concept (PoC) trial in Tokyo   close  to customers  in markets overseas.   and LTE  networks operated  by  DOCOMO
        to test a  solution that ‘leverages multi-  Developers,  device manufacturers and   in Japan.  Edge  Realities uses  space-
        access  edge  computing  (MEC) for the   other technology  partners with  stringent   recognition technology to superimpose AR
        worldwide distribution of applications’.   performance  and data-governance  needs   content on real objects and large spaces
        With the cellco aiming to launch  its   will be able to distribute their applications   without using place markers.  The MEC
        5G  network  this  year,  DOCOMO  will   quickly and easily  worldwide, without   platform will  enable  the content to be
        collaborate  with  MobiledgeX  to help  a   having  to  confirm  usage  conditions  or   positioned in space and displayed, without
        variety of partners distribute  innovative   system  availability  in  each operator’s   any time lag. Finally, the partners note that
        5G solutions worldwide, it said. In a press   MEC  infrastructure respectively.’  Further,   Tanseisha and DOCOMO  Innovations will
        release,  the  two  parties  confirmed  that   the PoC trials will include an augmented-  support the PoC.
        ‘MobiledgeX’s solution offers a developer   reality (AR) application based on the ‘Edge
        portal site for distributing applications to   Realities’ platform supplied  by Poland-

        India Operators Select Vendors for 5G Trials

        The  three  major mobile  operators in   deployed its  4G network. Second-  and   kit.  In  June  2019,  the Indian government
        India  and state-run BSNL  applied to  the   third-ranked Vodafone Idea and Airtel will   set  up a  committee  to  review  Huawei’s
        Department  of Telecommunications  to   also team with Ericsson,  Nokia and ZTE,   network security and previously expressed
        conduct  5G trials,  with Vodafone  Idea   while BSNL  will  work  only with  ZTE, the   reluctance  to allow the vendor  to deploy
        and Bharti Airtel opting  to use Huawei   newspaper  stated. In early January, the   its 5G gear, due to fears over back-doors
        gear  in the  tests, The  Economic Times   government  gave the green light for all   which could allow the Chinese government
        reported. Reliance Jio, with a 35 per cent   equipment suppliers, including Huawei, to   to  spy  on users.  India  plans to hold 5G
        market  share  by  subscribers,  is  sticking   participate in the trials. The country faced   spectrum auctions by the end of Q1.
        with its existing supplier Samsung, which   continued  US pressure to ban Huawei’s

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