Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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                         The Antimonopoly  Committee  of Ukraine  (AMCU)   neutral 900MHz spectrum licenses, with the Ministry
                         has  given its  clearance  to  a  plan for Ukrainian   estimating that the expanded  usage of the 900MHz
                         mobile  operators Kyivstar, Vodafone  and Lifecell  to   band could be implemented by ‘this summer’, although
                         redistribute  900MHz  band GSM frequencies  between   noting  that various other  ‘bureaucratic  procedures’
                         themselves and  refarm the spectrum  for 2G/3G/4G   must be completed first. The Ministry also noted that
        Ukraine          networks,  after  it  verified  that  the  plans  would  not   AMCU permission was one of the requisite steps in the
                         distort competition,  nor  be  detrimental  to users,  nor   operators’ joint action plan approved by the regulator
                         result in other  negative economic or social impact.   NCCIR. Other aspects  of the  refarming/relicensing
                         The AMCU’s decision – disclosed on the social media   plans include  redistribution  of  800MHz  frequencies
                         pages of Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation   for LTE  (also  involving CDMA operator  Intertelecom).
                         – means that operators can apply for new technology-  (January 17, 2020)

                         British telecoms  regulator  Ofcom has opened  a   copper to fiber-based services. With this consultation
                         consultation  on regulatory  proposals which it  says   scheduled to close on 1 April 2020, Ofcom has said it
                         are designed to promote competition and investment   aims to publish its decisions in early 2021, before the
                         in fiber infrastructure, arguing that such investment is   current regulation expires in April that year. Meanwhile,
        United           needed to meet future demand for ultrafast broadband   the regulator also noted that this review does not cover
                         services. Ofcom’s consultation  – entitled  ‘Promoting
                                                                        the Hull area, confirming that that part of the country
        Kingdom          competition  and  investment  in  fiber  networks:   will be subject to a separate consultation.
                         Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market Review 2021-26’ –    (January 9, 2020)
                         set outs detailed plans that would be implemented from
                         April 2021. With a four-point plan at the heart of the   Following a Freedom of Information request by Roger
                         regulator’s proposals, the core elements are: improving   Howell, Ofcom made their database of amateur radio
                         the  business  case  for  fiber  investment  by  setting   call  signs available for download.  The database,
                         Openreach’s wholesale prices in a way that encourages   released as  a  spreadsheet  containing 141,296  rows,
                         competition from new networks, as well as investment   shows the status of UK amateur call signs as at August
                         by Openreach;  protecting  customers and driving   12, 2019. It can be useful for people wanting to apply for
                         competition  by making sure people  can still  access   a specific call sign as it shows all those calls which are
                         affordable  broadband  and preventing  Openreach   not available. Ofcom clarified the meaning of their call
                         from stifling competition;  ensuring rural areas gain   sign status field e.g. ‘Reserved’ means that the callsign
                         access to fiber connectivity by supporting investment   has been used within the past two years, although it
                         by Openreach in these areas; and closing the copper   is no longer, and is in the process of ‘cooling down’. It
                         network as full fiber is built, so that Openreach does   is therefore not currently available for assignment to
                         not have the unnecessary costs of running two parallel   anyone else, but operators will be able to apply for it
                         networks. Further, the regulator has stressed it aims to   again after the two-year period has expired.
                         protect consumers during the transition, by transferring   (January 5, 2020)
                         its  regulation –  including  price protections  – from

                         Federal  Communications  Commission  Chairman Ajit   communities. I’ve said that the Rural Digital Opportunity
                         Pai announced initial estimates of how many homes   Fund would be our boldest step yet  to  bridge  this
                         and businesses in each state could benefit from Phase   divide, and today we get a glimpse of the broad impact
                         I of the $20.4 billion Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.  In   this investment  in rural America  would have across
        United           total, about 6 million rural homes and businesses could   the country,” said  Chairman Pai.    “Our  staff’s  initial
                                                                        estimate shows that in 25 states there would be more
                         be eligible for bidding in an auction slated for later this
        States           year  to  receive funding  for high-speed  broadband.    than 100,000 locations that would be eligible for Phase
                         This state-by-state  list  is  for Phase I  funding,  which   I of the Fund, and the benefits would be felt from the
                         would target a total of $16 billion to census blocks with   Pacific Coast to the Great Plains, and from Appalachia
                         no broadband service at all meeting the Commission’s   to the Gulf Coast.  The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund is
                         minimum speed standards.    The  remainder  of the   critical to bridging the digital divide.  (January 14, 2020)
                         funding  would be disbursed  during Phase  II.    As
                         recently announced, the FCC will vote January 30 on   Federal  Communications  Commission  Chairman Ajit
                         launching the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.   Pai  issued the following statement after President
                         “The digital divide affects many people in many rural   Trump signed the Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal

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