Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 106


                         Switzerland’s  Federal  Office  of  Communications   According to the regulator, demand for the minimum
                         (Ofcom, also known as Bundesamt fur Kommunikation   speed offering is expected to be in the region of around
                         or Bakom) has implemented changes to the universal   11,000 connections. (January 16, 2020)
                         service  license, tripling  the  minimum  broadband
                         speeds to be offered by the licensee to 10Mbps/1Mbps   Switzerland’s  Federal Supreme  Court  has rejected
        Switzerland      (downlink/uplink)  from 3Mbps/300kbps.  The new   an  appeal  from  state-owned  fixed  line  incumbent
                         requirements followed  a  decision  from the Federal   Swisscom  against a  2009 antitrust ruling  related  to
                         Council  in October  2019 and came into effect  from   the company’s ADSL pricing policy, confirming a fine
                         1  January  2020.  State-owned full-service provider   of  CHF186  million  (USD192  million).  The  fine  was
                         Swisscom currently holds the universal service license,   originally  set at CHF220  million by the  Competition
                         which was issued in May 2017 and covers the period   Commission  (Wettbewerbskommission,  WEKO) in
                         2018-2022. Explaining its decision, Ofcom commented   2009, when it found that the prices set by Swisscom
                         that citizens in rural or poorly-connected areas would   for its  wholesale  ADSL services from 2001  to 2007
                         benefit  from  the  measure  as  ‘the  faster  connection   were too high for its competitors to offer retail ADSL
                         increases the opportunities to participate in social and   services  profitably.  In  September  2015  the  Federal
                         economic life’. The regulator notes that the principle of   Administrative Court  rejected  a  subsequent  appeal
                         technological neutrality applies to the universal service   from Swisscom but lowered the fine to CHF186 million.
                         license and, as such, Swisscom can – in addition to its   Responding to the court’s decision, Swisscom stated
                         fixed systems – use mobile and satellite technologies,   in a press release that it maintains that the sanction
                         or a mix of different platforms to satisfy  the  terms   is  unjustified.  The  telco  adds  that  it  had  to  pay  the
                         the license.  As Swisscom is  already making use of   penalty back in 2015  and as  such the court’s  most
                         this option and the expected level of efficiency of the   recent  decision  will  have no impact on Swisscom’s
                         operator, Ofcom did not grant the telco an additional   2019 financial statements, or its outlook for 2020.
                         transition period  to  implement  the new obligation.   (January 2, 2020)

                         All  five  mobile  operators  in  Taiwan  spent  a  total  of   the newspaper  wrote. Far  EasTone  acquired 80MHz
                         TWD138  billion ($4.6  billion)  securing  5G spectrum,   of 3.5GHz spectrum for TWD40.6 billion and 400MHz
                         with the protracted sale registering as the third-priciest   in the 28GHz band for TWD412 million, while Taiwan
                         auction for the technology in the world, Taipei Times   Mobile spent TWD30.4 billion on 60MHz in the 3.5GHz
                         reported,  citing  figures  from  the  regulator.  Taiwan’s   band and TWD206  million for 200MHz  of 28GHz
        Taiwan           government  forecast the  sale to generate  about   airwaves. Taiwan Star Telecom secured 40MHz in the
                         TWD44 billion. The price per 10MHz block of 3.5GHz   3.5GHz band for TWD19.7 billion. Asia Pacific Telecom,
                         spectrum reached TWD5.075 billion, which the National   the smallest operator with a 7 per cent market share
                         Communications Commission (NCC) said was a world   by subscribers,  pulled  out of the 3.5GHz  sale after
                         record. The auction started on 10 December and ended   initially bidding, but paid TWD412 million for 40MHz
                         yesterday (16  January) after 261 rounds.  On offer   of 28GHz spectrum. It said it would look to cooperate
                         was 270MHz in the 3.5GHz band, 2,500MHz of 28GHz   with other operators. The NCC introduced regulations
                         airwaves and 20MHz in the 1.8GHz band. Market leader   requiring operators to share 5G spectrum with rivals.
                         Chunghwa Telecom paid TWD45.7 billion for 90MHz in   Only 1,600MHz of the 28GHz spectrum was sold.
                         the 3.5GHz band and TWD618 million for 600MHz of   (January 17, 2020)
                         28GHz spectrum. It plans to launch 5G services in July,

                         The Tanzania  Communications  Regulatory  Authority   release, mobile market leader Vodacom Tanzania has
                         (TCRA)  has begun  blocking  unregistered  customers   so far  barred 157,000  of its  unregistered customers
                         from accessing  mobile services, following the   from accessing services. The firm’s Managing Director
                         conclusion  of its biometric  SIM registration  program   Hisham Hendi urged customers affected by the move
                         on 20  January.  Since  that  date, which was  extended   to visit  one  of Vodacom’s  more than 35,000 service
        Tanzania         from an earlier  deadline  of 31 December  2019, over   points  across the country to register  their  lines and
                         656,091 SIMs have been barred by network operators,   continue  using  the  company’s services. (January 22,
                         the regulator’s Director  General  James Kilaba  told   2020)
                         state-run Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation.  He
                         added that additional unregistered subscribers are set   The President has extended the deadline for biometric
                         to be blocked in phases. According to a company press   SIM  card  registration  to  20  January  2020,  reports

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