Page 14 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 14

        14     APRIL-JUNE 2024

        expanding operators' market shares.  better user experiences and wider   diversified, the FWA UE-perceived rate
        In some developed markets like       coverage at a lower cost.           has increased to 300-500 Mbps in
        Europe, FWA is mainly a complemen-                                       3CC CA scenarios. Services such as
        tary solution to optical fibers. Initial   Easy provisioning: Potential area   8K HD video and gaming place higher
        deployment of FWA in these mar-      identification and precise speed    requirements on network latency.
        kets focuses on towns and villages,   estimation are conducted. Digital   FWA Service Turbo can ensure real-
        which require superior coverage to be   tools are used to accurately identify   time service experiences and make
        provided at low costs. These mar-    potential users in high-value areas   it easier for operators to explore new
        kets can use a device-pipe coverage   based on hotspot maps, high-value   home broadband service spaces.
        improvement solution backed by                                           For entry-level FWA requirements,
        Massive MIMO technology and CPEs                                         Huawei provides the "1-to-N" solution,
        with high antenna gains, which sig-    Huawei is supporting the          which means 1 CPE can be connected
        nificantly expand service provisioning   sustainable development         to N households. This helps opera-
        areas. Only one site is required for   of FWA in different markets       tors reduce costs and shorten the
        covering a village with high-speed                                       payback period while ensuring user
        home broadband and more users will    by working with operators          experiences.
        be served, shortening the ROI period.  to continually improve their
        With the allocation of 5G spectrum,    E2E FWA solutions so that         The RedCap industry is mature and
        Asia, Latin America and Africa will    they can provide better           the technology is ready. RedCap is
        become the main emerging markets     user experiences and wider          priced at the same level as 4G, but
        of 5G FWA in 2024. In order to facili-  coverage at a lower cost.        it offers significant advantages that
        tate the monetization of these busi-                                     mean initial investments can be
        ness opportunities, "one MBB network                                     recouped faster. This makes it more
        for two purposes" has become a                                           suitable for large-scale deployment.
        popular trend. One is that a frequency   user maps, and network resource   In addition, the user-perceived rate
        band (the most popular is 2.3 GHz    allocation maps. The careful selection   of RedCap FWA is much higher than
        and 2.6 GHz) is used for both 4G and   of target areas represents a shift from   that of 4G WTTx, which accelerates
        5G, and the other is used for both   passive sales to a much more proac-  the migration of 4G WTTx users to 5G.
        MBB and FWA users. Under this strat-  tive approach.
        egy, the network spectrum efficiency                                     Easy O&M: How to motivate users
        and the ROI both can be maximized.   Easy Experience Management: Low     and retain users are two key issues
        At the same time, many cost-effec-   costs and ultra-coverage accelerate   for operation. Experience-based O&M
        tive FWA solutions has been devel-   user development. FWA's Self-De-    shifts from network level to user level,
        oped to make 5G FWA affordable for   fining Experience (SDE) helps flex-  identifying potential churn users.
        more users. While the price of 5G CPE   ibly customize eMBB and FWA user   In addition, remote maintenance
        is decreasing, CPE sharing for multiple   experiences. MetaAAU works with   improves O&M efficiency by 90%.
        house hold is still being explored to   high-performance CPEs to improve
        further reduce cost per line of FWA.   coverage by 10 dB, which facilitates   FWA services are diversifying home
                                             user development and experience     broadband services and booming in
        Easy FWA: E2E solution to support    upgrades. In addition, Turbo uplink 2.0   all regions around the world. The FWA
        FWA sustainable development          can improve the network coverage by   industry, ecosystem, and business
        Huawei is supporting the sustain-    about 2 to 4 dB. 5G networks combine   models all are becoming increasingly
        able development of FWA in different   cutting-edge software and hardware   mature, driving FWA toward a new
        markets by working with operators    features to deliver more advanced   home broadband future, and to
        to continually improve their E2E FWA   services and better user experiences.  materialize new opportunities for both
        solutions so that they can provide   As home broadband services have     businesses and end-users.

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