Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        the OECD  statistics  do not paint  the   term investment. Securing  additional   because  it  was  able to  acquire several
        prettiest of connectivity pictures in the UK,   funds  from third-parties is  becoming  a   distressed  fiber  players  and  merge  them
        momentum has been shifting in the right   critical component  of the  mix, especially   into a  single  business. Some  ambitious
        direction. From a political perspective, the   with more alt-nets appearing. In the short-  and cash-rich parties might look  at  the
        idea of gigabit speed broadband has taken   term, the emergence  of ‘alt-nets’  should   potentially fragmented  market  in  the UK
        hold. It might turn out to be nothing more   only be viewed as  a  good  thing. More   as another opportunity to consolidate and
        than empty campaign promises, but it has   providers will  create more  value for the   create another scaled player at some point
        raised the issue of fiber connectivity and the   consumer  through  increased  competition   in  the future.  Although  this  move  should
        digital divide to the national conversation.   and providing the telcos incentive to invest   not be  considered  the silver bullet from
        Looking at the consumer, there is certainly   in  fiber.  However,  you  have  to  wonder   Ofcom, it  is  certainly  very  encouraging.
        more appetite. This will  be partly  down   whether the number of alt-nets in the UK   The UK telecoms industry has been calling
        to the consumer being more educated on   is  sustainable in the long-run.  The more   for regulatory reform  for some time in
        the different connectivity  options, Ofcom   providers there are, the more  fragmented   pursuit of greater levels of certainty as well
        rules killing off dubious  and misleading   a  market becomes.  Fragmentation is   as a more favorable investment climate in
        fiber  claims  from  ISPs  and  the  price  of   the enemy  of scale, making  it  more   the UK. What we have here is an excellent
        fiber connectivity dropping in recent years.   difficult to aggressively pursue expensive   example of collaboration. For the digital
        And thanks  to increased demand from   investments. There is  of course a  risk   society of tomorrow  to  be more than a
        the  consumer,  the  UK  fiber  landscape  is   of over-build  in certain markets, though   pipe  dream, industry will  have to come
        looking like a more attractive investment.   the presence of these alt-nets creates an   together  with the investment  community
        Goldman  Sachs purchasing  CityFibre is   interesting M&A future for the UK. CityFibre   and Government, presenting a united front.
        evidence of this, but other financial players   is  a  primary  example of what  happens   This proposal is  perhaps  evidence  the
        are becoming increasing interested  in   when a market becomes too fragmented.   rhetoric is perhaps evolving into reality.
        communications infrastructure as a long-  This is a company which  only exists

        Malaysia Details 5G Spectrum Assignment Plan

                                                               expected  to  begin by  the third  quarter  of  2020.  Following a
                                                               public inquiry and release of a final report in September last year,
                                                               the Malaysian  Communications  and Multimedia Commission
                                                               (MCMC)  identified  the  700MHz,  3.5GHz,  26GHz  and  28GHz
                                                               bands as  spectrum frequencies  for the rollout of 5G.  Taking  a
                                                               new approach, MCMC is considering allocating the 700MHz and
                                                               3.5GHz bands to a single entity comprising a consortium formed
                                                               by multiple licensees, instead of individual licensees, in an effort
                                                               to lower capex by minimizing costs and preventing the duplication
                                                               of infrastructure. It will hold a tender. Initially it will assign only
                                                               2x30MHz in the 700MHz band and 100MHz in the 3.5GHz band.
                                                               Frequencies in the 26GHz and 28GHz bands will be considered for
                                                               assignment at a later date. MCMC said the existing allocation of
                                                               4G spectrum will be maintained, which includes the assignment
        Malaysia’s  telecoms  regulator  confirmed  plans  to  allocate  5G   of the 2.3GHz  and 2.6GHz  bands until December  2021, with a
        spectrum  across  four bands, with  commercial  deployments   review of these bands planned in 2021.

        Chad Exempts Internet Services from Cellco Tax

        The  Chadian  government  has exempted   2020 – revised Article 28 of the document   that sites in areas targeted by the universal
        fixed   communications   and   internet   to  exclude  fixed  communications  and   service fund (USF)  are no longer  subject
        services from a levy on monthly turnover   internet  services from an 18% tax  on   to fees, which range up to XAF2.5 million
        as part of its 2020 budget,  approved  by   the monthly revenue  reported by  mobile   (USD4,240) per  year,  depending  on the
        parliament in  late  December  2019.  The   operators. Separately, the bill adjusted the   location.
        new  budget  –  officially  the  Finance  Act   tax  structure for towers (Article 826) so

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