Page 72 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 72
Digital Operations Management is a We leverage in-house • System installation and image
combination of deployment workflow and procedure
1. Analytics: Predictive Analytics and Real IP/tools/accelerators • User management
time Dashboards help operational team to implement a service • System recovery workflow and
to get online data, which is churned into procedures
dashboards and helps the team to look automation platform for 6. Digitally connected workforce: This
around and see what is coming and productivity improve- means the workforce needs to adapt to
respond before the actual issue hits the ments. TechM documents change and increase their knowledge
environment thereby reducing business from basic technologies to more niche
outages. a list of all workflows and areas and move the mundane repetitive
2. DevOps: Modern Businesses are moving tasks of various service jobs to be done through automation.
at the speed of cloud and DevOps is This in turn will reduce the human errors
essential for any business aspiring to be lines to be automated due to repetitive tasks and increase job
lean, agile, respond rapidly to changing and uses its service satisfaction among the resources by
needs. DevOps is a set of practices that enabling them to make higher-level
combines development and operations automation platform tools contributions. The connected workforce
to shorten the lifecycle thereby improve to automate in a phase- is about resources communicating via
collaboration between all stakeholders wise manner based on the all kinds of tools. It’s also about enabling
from planning through delivery remote working and the accessibility of
3. AI Ops: AIOps is the application of ease of implementation. documents, applications and systems.
artificial intelligence for IT Operations At a more advanced level, however, the
combining algorithmic and human • Optimization of tools and assets connected workforce is about more
intelligence to provide visibility • Automation and Runbook than just practicalities. The power
into performance of IT Systems. A Automation of the connected workforce lies in its
mathematical model processes data • Better resource utilization and work potential to connect various elements
from multiple sources, identifies scheduling of a business ecosystem, including
significant events without the • Faster resolution through ticketless data, computing devices, applications,
requirement of manual intervention, service desk and AI/ML/Bots solutions and stakeholders.
and enables workflows to be triggered 5. Leverage latest tools and technology:
for remedial actions. We leverage in-house IP/tools/
4. Digital Operations Centre: Digital accelerators to implement a service As technologies and
Operations Center transforms IT and automation platform for productivity customer expectations
ops teams from performing a traditional improvements. TechM documents a list continue to evolve, it is high
and sequential delivery model for ops of all workflows and tasks of various
into a new age, agility-driven, nonlinear service lines to be automated and uses time that enterprises look
service delivery model. The solution its service automation platform tools to digital operations as a
incorporates best practices framework to automate in a phase-wise manner
and best of breed technologies that based on the ease of implementation. means to deliver desired
focus on collaboration, rich service The list of workflows and tasks are value to customers or risk
experiences, extreme automation, tracked as a CI Key Performance being left behind.
and agility, to enable outcome-driven Indicator (KPI) on monthly basis to
solutions for our customers. The ensure a high percentage of service
Digital Operations Center breaks down support and delivery activities are Finally, the aim is to deliver the right model
organizational siloes and offers agile, automated. Examples of workflows and for customers at the first opportunity in
out-of-the-box, cost-effective, and task automation activities in services order to enhance customer experience
value-driven solutions that enable our include the following: and in turn increase profitability. As
customers. The core benefits which • System and application shutdown technologies and customer expectations
comes from Digital Operations will task continue to evolve, it is high time that
focus on • Patch management workflow and enterprises look to digital operations
• Speedy creation, launch, and automated procedures to apply as a means to deliver desired value to
monetization of new services patches customers or risk being left behind.
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