Page 26 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 26

        26 JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024

        Nokia  Expands  its  FWA  Portfolio  with  New  5G  Devices  for  North
        American Market

        Nokia announced that it is adding a   Gateway 12 drastically improves    bringing fast, reliable broadband to
        new 5G Fixed Wireless Access outdoor   capacity and coverage by up to 35   people no matter where they live—
        receiver and indoor gateway with     percent using high gain antennas (up   whether it's in bustling cities, quiet
        Wi-Fi 7 to its growing portfolio of   to 8 dBi) and 8 receiver antennas. The   suburbs, or even remote rural areas.”
        FWA broadband access products.       gateway comes with up to 200MHz of
        Designed to meet the unique          spectrum support to enable high-    Jaimie Lenderman, Research Manager
        demands of the North American        speed broadband access over the 5G   and Principal Analyst at Omdia, said:
        region, the new solutions support a   network. It also utilizes tri-band Wi-Fi 7   “The number of Fixed Wireless Access
        broad range of 4G and 5G bands,      to extend 5G speeds throughout the   (FWA) subscribers in North America is
        including Citizens Broadband         home. The FastMile 5G Gateway 12 is   projected to increase from 11.6 million
        Radio Service (CBRS). The solution   powered by Nokia’s Corteca software,   in 2023 to 25 million by 2028. This
        provides a real opportunity to close   which supports value-added        growth is driven by the considerable
        connectivity gaps that still exist in   applications embedded in the device,   advantages FWA offers in terms of
        many parts of North America.         cloud-based Wi-Fi optimization, and   cost-efficiency and rapid deployment,
                                             Wi-Fi device management based       especially where wireline solutions
        Nokia's expanded portfolio helps     on open industry standards and      are less feasible. However, challenges
        advance 5G FWA services in North     EasyMesh.                           such as signal interference, limited
        America, ensuring operators                                              range, and reliance on line-of-sight
        can easily connect consumers         To help operators simplify and      conditions still impact the widespread
        across rural, suburban, and urban    streamline installation, customers can   adoption of FWA by operators.
        environments. The new Nokia FastMile   access a simple, user-friendly mobile   Innovations like Nokia’s FastMile
        5G receiver features high-gain       app that helps identify the optimal   gateway solution are mitigating these
        antennas (up to 10 dBi) in a compact   location to install the Nokia FWA   issues, enabling operators to deliver
        design that can be self-installed by   receiver and gateway.             high-speed FWA broadband services
        the consumer on the outside of a                                         to users regardless of their location.”
        window, wall, balcony, or pole. With   Dirk Verhaegen, VP of Broadband
        4 carrier aggregation and up to      Devices at Nokia, said: “Using Fixed   The new Nokia 5G FWA receiver and
        300MHz of bandwidth, the 5G receiver   Wireless Access to connect end    gateway will be available in Q3 2024.
        maximizes throughput in locations    customers to fast internet access   Both join Nokia’s comprehensive
        where signals may be weak.           requires more than just one type    portfolio of customer premise
                                             of device. Nokia’s FastMile solutions   equipment which includes 4G and 5G
        Nokia’s new FastMile indoor 5G       provide operators with options,     receivers and gateways for outdoor
                                                                                 and indoor use.

                                                                                 Nokia 5G FWA receiver details
                                                                                 High Gain Antenna up to 10dBi
                                                                                 Bandwidth aggregation up to 300MHz
                                                                                 2.5GE LAN port, TR-069 & TR-369

                                                                                 Nokia 5G FWA gateway with Wi-Fi 7
                                                                                 High Gain Antenna up to 8dBi
                                                                                 Bandwidth aggregation up to 200MHz
                                                                                 8 Rx antennas

                                                                                 Resources and additional
                                                                                 Webpage: 5G Gateway 12
                                                                                 Webpage: 5G Receiver 5G16-B

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